Maaike & Zoe

Wedding proposal in Frigiliana


Wedding proposal in Frigiliana

When I say that I am very lucky to be able to dedicate myself to photography, it is to have the opportunity to live experiences like the one I lived when I met Maaike & Zoe.

They came to Malaga from Holland, and Maaike wanted to prepare a surprise for Zoe. Months before she contacted me and we started to organize everything to make it perfect for them.

Almost from the first email we sent each other, Maaike and I connected and we both understood each other very well. These connections that we create are what make the magic happen and we can create something really unique together. Next year they are getting married, on July 7th on their 7th anniversary, how magical everything is, isn't it?

It will be time to travel to Holland and continue creating together the best of memories for them.